Colorado Mesa University has consolidated all services related to viewing and paying your student, faculty, or staff bill into one convenient website: ePay. ePay is a secure, online portal where you can view your account activity, make payments, and set up payment plans.
It's Secure - Pay online knowing your information is secured using industry standard protection.
It's Convenient - ePay gives you and your parents 24/7 access to view and pay your bill.
It's Fast - Scrambling to meet payment deadlines is a thing of the past. Payments made through our ePay system will update your student account in real-time.
Access ePay
Student Authorized User Faculty and Staff
Billing and Payment Updates
CMU Mobile App
- Log on to the CMU Mobile App
- In the navigation menu, click “ePay”
- Log on to MAVzone
- Go to "Applications"
- Find the ePay Application
- Add the application to your favorites by clicking the star icon (optional)
CMU Mobile App
- Log on to the CMU Mobile App
- In the navigation menu, click “ePay”
- Log on to MAVzone
- Go to "Applications"
- Find the ePay Application
- Add the application to your favorites by clicking the star icon (optional)
Authorized Users
Once your student gives you access, you will receive two email confirmations: one containing a username and direct link to the ePay portal, and another with a temporary password. Log in to view bills, receive billing statements, make payments and set up payment plans.
- Log in through our secure Authorized User portal
- Under Authorized User enter email address and password
All your Student Accounts bills will be distributed electronically, meaning you will not receive a paper bill. You will be notified via email when you receive an eBill. Please complete the following steps in order to grant authorized users access to your bill.
Add Authorized User in ePay
- Go to ePay (though the CMU mobile app OR the MAVzone application)
- Click “Authorized User” on the menu to the right
- Click “Add Authorized User”
- Enter Information, Continue, and Save
- Parents will receive an email with login and password
Authorized User Steps
Once your student gives you access, you will receive two email confirmations: one containing a username and direct link to the ePay portal, and another with a temporary password. Log in to view bills, receive billing statements, make payments and set up payment plans.
- Log in through our secure Authorized User portal
- Under Authorized User enter email address and password
There will be a 2.95% PayPath Processing Service Fee for credit/debit card payments. There is no cost for using a web check with a routing number and account number. To save a checking account as a payment method in your ePay, complete the following steps starting from the CMU Mobile App or MAVzone.
Electronic Checks
- Go to ePay (though the CMU mobile app or the MAVzone application)
- Click “Payment Profile” on the menu to the right
- Select “Add New Payment Method” and choose “Electronic Check” to enter the information.
Have a balance remaining for this semester? Did you know you can use one of the semester payment plans to help meet your educational expenses? To help meet your educational expenses, Colorado Mesa University offers three convenient ways for you to make monthly, semimonthly, or weekly automatic payments without interest or late fees. Set up to have your balance paid in installments automatically deducted from your checking account for FREE, or credit card for a convenience fee of 2.95%. Payment dates vary depending on the plan you choose. You will receive email notifications as your plan adjusts according to changes on your account.
Setting up your payment plan
- Go to ePay (though the CMU mobile app or the MAVzone application)
- Click “Payment Plans” on the top menu
- Click "Enroll Now"
- Choose "Monthly", "Semimonthly", or "Weekly" option
- Enter Information
Must sign up each semester to take advantage of program.
Financial Aid and the Automatic Payment Plan:
If you have any outstanding financial aid requirements for Financial Aid, the Automatic Payment Plan will not take Financial Aid into consideration when calculating your payment amounts. However, if you have completed all of your financial aid requirements, the Automatic Payment Plan will take anticipated Financial Aid into consideration and only your unpaid balance will be calculated into the payment plan.
Parent Plus Loan Refunds are now eligible for Direct Deposit. The Parent that initiated the Parent Plus Loan in must be the parent that signs up for the direct deposit in ePay. They can either be a students Authorized User or will be emailed on the day of the refund to set up a parent refund account in ePay.
Parents will be sent an email with these directions when a Parent Plus Refund is eligible to be refunded to the parent.
- Log into ePay parent portal by utilizing the email on your loan application (the email address this email was sent to)
- In the blue menu bar, click on Refunds
- Complete the Two-Step Authentication
- Once Two-Step Authentication is complete: Click on eRefunds Tab and Select Direct Deposit Method
- For Direct Deposit Refund: Enter Loan Borrower Verification Information
- Click Set Up New Account: Enter Account Information as found on personal check: Click Continue and Save
NOTE: DOB and last 4 of SSN MUST match the loan borrowers DOB & SSN from the loan application.
If a refund method and verification of the SSN and DOB is not complete, this will delay your refund and may be mailed to the address on the loan application.
Authorized User Steps
Once your student gives you access, you will receive two email confirmations: one containing a username and direct link to the ePay portal, and another with a temporary password. Log in to view bills, receive billing statements, make payments and set up payment plans.
- Log in through our secure Authorized User portal
- Under Authorized User enter email address and password
Colorado Mesa University has proudly partnered with GradGuard to offer tuition insurance to students and families. This protection strengthens our existing refund policy and can provide reimbursement for tuition, housing, and other fees if a student withdraws for a covered medical reason at any time during the covered semester.
The Tuition Protection Plan is offered as a voluntary benefit to our students & families, participation is completely optional, and the agreement you enter in to is with GradGuard, not Colorado Mesa University. This is a non-revenue generating partnership for Colorado Mesa University.
Why buy tuition insurance?
GradGuard Tuition Insurance can help students and their families overcome the financial losses that may result if a student completely withdraws due to a covered medical reason. Purchasing tuition insurance is entirely optional. Whether you choose to purchase tuition insurance (and at what total coverage amount) will depend on your individual net cost and your personal risk appetite.
Three levels of protection are available to choose from. Please visit GradGuard for coverage terms and more information.
Purchase Details:
This tuition insurance plan can reimburse your non-refundable school expenses/payments (tuition, housing, and other education expenses) after an unexpected complete withdrawal of all classes (at any time during the covered semester) due to a covered illness, injury, mental health condition and more. Plans also include Student Life Assistance: a 24/7 hotline that offers students and parents even greater peace of mind. The deadline to purchase is the day before classes begin for each academic term.
- For more information go to: or call 877-794- 6603
- GradGuard FAQ:
- Watch this YouTube video for more information:
Note: You must purchase your insurance prior to the first day of classes each semester for which you want coverage.
Terms, conditions, and exclusions apply. Insurance coverage is underwritten by Jefferson Insurance Company (NY, Administrative Office: Richmond, VA), rated "A+" (Superior) by A.M. Best Co. Plans may not be available to residents of all states. AGA Service Company is the licensed producer and administrator of this plan and an affiliate of Jefferson Insurance Company. The insured shall not receive any special benefit or advantage because of the affiliation between AGA Service Company and Jefferson Insurance Company. Non-insurance benefits/ products are provided and serviced by AGA Service Company. Contact AGA Service Company at 888-427-5045 or 9950 Mayland Drive, Richmond, VA 23233 or [email protected]
What is the claims process like?
Claims can be processed at any time. To be eligible for coverage the event/incident must occur within the plan’s coverage period. GradGuard has a 24/7 hotline that offers students and families support for any claim or coverage-related inquiries.
Claims processes begin by contacting GradGuard directly. The GradGuard FAQ is a helpful resource for any questions: or Call 866.985.7598
If documentation needs to be completed by the University for related amounts due for tuition, please reach out to [email protected]. If you need other forms of documentation to support your claim, please reach out to the appropriate resources on campus as needed.
Save Time, Pay Bills Online!
View Account Activity - View your recent account activity, including all charges and payments.
Web Check - Pay immediately by having your payment transferred from your checking or savings account. Or, schedule future payments. Web Check Payments are free; there is no service charge for this type of payment (U.S. Accounts Only).
Credit Card - Make a payment on-line with your Visa, Master Card, Discover, or American Express credit card. There is a 2.95% (Non-refundable) PayPath Processing Service Fee, a third party credit card service, for credit/debit card payments.
Electronic Refunds - Don't wait for a refund check to arrive in the mail. Sign up for electronic refunds to have your refund deposited directly into your checking or savings account. Click "eRefunds" and set up an account. Find more information on refunds at: